Nutze die Magie einer starken Selbstführung auf deinem Weg zum positiven Leadership

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Autonomy & self-worth through radical self-responsibility


One way - four directions

The basis of the TRUE NORTH coaching philosophy is the Self-Leadership Compass. By focusing on the four areas of time, emotions, orientation and action, you become autonomous from old patterns of action and feelings and open up to your innermost power.

You write a new script and become the director of your life.

On this page you will learn more about what lies behind the four areas and how you can create and calibrate your personal self-leadership compass.

„Self-Leadership is the practice of intentionally influencing your thinking, feelings and actions towards your objectives.“ Andrew Bryant

Finally time for change

The basis of any change is time. Only when you become aware of how & with what you spend your time, you can change something. On autopilot you remain the plaything of your patterns, habits & feelings.

With the TIME SURFER LOTUSEFFECT you become resistant to inner distractions and outer stress!

You will no longer let yourself be chased by your driver dynamics (e.g. perfectionism & complacency), but take full responsibility for your personal time management. Little by little, you will no longer try to do everything right, but only do what is RIGHT for you.


Freedom through demarcation & structure

The secret director acting from the subconscious in our lives are the feelings. They guide us through attraction & repulsion. We look for pleasant feelings and avoid burdensome ones.

On the path to self-leadership, recognising and reconsolidating your personal emotional patterns plays a decisive role. With the help of systemic self-integration I support you in writing your new script.

In the online constellation format you learn to distance yourself from symbiotic relationship patterns and to give up old survival strategies.

"Between stimulus & response lies a space. In that space lies our power to choose our response. In our reaction lies our development & our freedom." Viktor Frankl


The navigation system for the journey into the unknown

The attributes of our time are: Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity & Ambiguity. The Self-Leadership Compass helps you navigate through today's VUCA world.

Before making a decision or in the daily rush of work: a quick look up and check if you are still on the right track.

Is that something for you? Then come to the Calibration Master Class. Here you create your personal Self-Leadership Compass based on values, strengths and feelings. Then you calibrate it to your personal rejections, such as repressed feelings and tried and tested compensation strategies.


Full speed ahead in the right direction

When it comes to implementation, it quickly becomes apparent who is the captain on his boat and the director of his life.

Always travelling at full throttle can feel very successful, but can also lead in the wrong direction. As a self-leader, you are calm and sustainable, conserving resources.

You pause regularly, take the space and time to get in touch with your intuition. You work efficiently and use the energy and resources gained to realise your life's dream.

The secret recipe on this path: Establish new habits that take you a mini step in the direction of your North Star every day. If you ever find yourself on a diversion: forgive yourself, look to the North Star & keep going!


Ready to rumble? Monthly inspiration in the TRUE NORTH newsletter!